25 February 2013

skate rats II

The boys and I met up with an old friend we hadn't seen in years.
Last time he saw the kids they looked like this.
jaxon & jakob 2004

Okay maybe a little bigger,
but this is probably his memory of them!
(not the video!)

It was fun hanging out.
Tim had a ton of old stories from when they were young,
and a couple before they were around.
Definitely had to filter out some of the rough parts!
He even remembered the spill that Jakob did on his skateboard,
probably close to the time of that picture above.
After that I didn't push the skating thing on the kids as much.
tim delaney, travis + jakob + jaxon perich

It was good to catch up,
and made me realize I need to not be so much a hermit,
and see old friends more.
Also I got to get the kids out skating!

Good to see ya Tim!


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