has been very surreal.
interspersed with some "wow! I work here..." moments.
The Rose Cup race was held in July,
one of the big 3 summertime races.
That's when I get overtime to be a pion.
The V8 classes require us to be on emergency watch,
as they're more apt to crash.
Then we rush out and fix the tire bumpers
and make sure the track is safe and ready.
Two racers have died this year
and many injured so it's a serious duty.
While watching the GASS race,
(Great American Stock Series),
one car/driver really stood out.
He'd take the last turn so hard,
his car would sporadically drift.
One of the older models in the open class,
typically dominated by the series owner, Chris Evans,
who has multiple cars and drivers
with a loaded pit operation.
Ed was getting 3rd with his home built 450hp,
against newer cars with 550-600hp.
Only a 0.8-1.3 second difference!
And surprisingly this was with no pit crew!
His wife helped as she could,
but Ed was the driver/mechanic/grunt,
definitely the underdog.
During my rounds I had to meet him,
just for him to know I was rootin for #6.
When I found out his operation was so bare bones,
and he wasn't a stuck up ass like some other drivers,
it was that much better.
If it was possible I'da helped crew!
Even offered to have Jaxon/Jakob help out
if he returns to race.
Ed is a so-cal firefighter from Murrieta,
and purchased his bosses race car,
after progressing up from an S-10 class.
He actually won the 2016 western states championship
at Buttonwillow.
So whay happens to an underpowered racer
that aims to beat faster cars?
He tried to pass on turn 12 in 3rd place,
which drivers don't usually do,
and does a massive spin out in the grass.
After that the car wasn't right,
and what do you do...
Hope he brings his car next year!!
Thanks Ed for the show...